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Wo hier eh schon alles in's OT abrutscht kann ich ja auch wieder mitreden LOL

Ich gucke nicht viele Filme - aber nachdem ich Lucky Number Slevin gesehen hab', bin ich mir sicher, dass es nicht viele Filme gibt in denen es genialere Dialoge gibt Denker

Zitat:I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm The Boss.
I thought he was The Boss.
Why? Do we look alike? So, Mr Fisher, you were gonna tell me something?
I don't know, you brought me here.
Yes I did. Back when you thought I was him.
I didn't think you were him, I thought he was you. And I was trying to tell him - you that they picked up the wrong guy.
The wrong guy for what?
Whatever it is you wanna see me about.
Do you know what I wanna see you about?
Then how do you know I got the wrong guy?
Because I'm not...
Maybe I want to give you $96,000. In that case do I still have the wrong guy?
Do you wanna give me $96,000?
No, do you wanna give me $96,000?
No, should I?
I don't know, should you?
I don't know, should I?

Zitat:Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest in Monte Carlo and came in third; that's a story.

Zitat:Yitzchok the Fairy.
Why do they call him "the Fairy"?
Because he's a fairy.
What, he's got wings, he flies, he sprinkles magic dust all over the place?
He's homosexual.


Der Film ist wirklich eines der seltenen Kleinode - Story und Drehbuch finde ich sehr gelungen.

Die Geschichte von Charlie Chaplin habe ich schon mal irgendwo gelesen... Thumbsup
Die Story die hinter dem Film steckt ist eigentlich noch beeindruckender als der Film selbst Big Grin
Aber die würde den Bogen jetzt überspannen Floet
Seiten: 1 2 3