28.04.2020, 16:29
(28.04.2020, 10:06)dedefr schrieb: [ -> ]tja, das hilft mir nix. . .
In diesem Posting stehen die Maße:
(28.04.2020, 10:06)dedefr schrieb: [ -> ]tja, das hilft mir nix. . .
(28.04.2020, 16:34)stephan1892 schrieb: [ -> ] Bruno ,Du verwendest da ja so ein Steckfeld für den Testaufbau,aber wie geht das in der Praxis? Steckverbinder? Löten?
(28.04.2020, 17:22)Der Karsten schrieb: [ -> ]lässt sich das dann so Programieren das, dass ZW dann in Meter anzeigt, so wie die verbauten mechanischen?
Dazu müßte man dann aber an der jeweiligen Maschine die Umdrehungen des Abnehmers für 1 m Band ermitteln.
(28.04.2020, 20:54)spocintosh schrieb: [ -> ]Es werden Umdrehungen der Zählwerkscheiben gezählt. Einfach nur, um eine Nummer zu generieren, die wiedergefunden werden kann - sonst nichts.
(28.04.2020, 18:26)Der Karsten schrieb: [ -> ]kann also nichts mit Metern sein bei den mechanischen.
Was zeigen die dann eigentlich an? Zeit kann es ja nicht sein und Meter ja nu auch nicht, was verdammt wird da gezählt?
Wäre schön wenn man das mal rausbekommen könnte.
/* Arduino OLED Tape Counter
* Copyright (C) 2020 by DIYLAB, v0.99, 28.04.2020
* This Software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This Software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the Arduino SSD1306Ascii Library. If not, see
* <>.
* Used libraries
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* SSD1306Ascii: <>
* Arduino OneButton Library: <>
* Used mikrocontroller
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Arduino nano v3.0
#include <SSD1306Ascii.h>
#include <SSD1306AsciiAvrI2c.h>
#include <OneButton.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
// USER CONFIG SECTION (Only edit here!) //
// Software configuration:
#define PULSESPERCOUNT 1 // Number of pulses for one count.
#define BRIGHTNESS 128 // Display brightness (0 to 255)
// Hardware pin configuration:
// *Only change if absolutely necessary!
#define SENSOR_A 3 // Controller PIN (Sensor-A)
#define SENSOR_B 2 // Controller PIN (Sensor-B)
#define BUTTON 5 // Controller PIN (RESET-Button)
#define ZEROPOINT 7 // Controller PIN ('00000' pulse)
#define LED 13 // Onboard LED
#define LEFT 1 // left rotation
#define RIGHT 2 // right rotation
#define EEPROM_ADDRESS 0x0 // EEPROM address for data store
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C // or 0x3D - depending on display
// Intervals
#define INTERVAL1 1000
OneButton btn(BUTTON, true, true);
SSD1306AsciiAvrI2c oled;
unsigned int loopCounter = 0;
unsigned long secondTick = 0;
unsigned long timeInterval1 = 0;
volatile long counter = 0;
volatile int sensor1 = 0;
volatile int sensor2 = 0;
volatile int direction = 0;
volatile int step = 0;
volatile int divider = 0;
volatile boolean stepFlag0, stepFlag1, stepFlag2, stepFlag3, onboardLEDFlag;
* Setup
void setup() {
// Set inputs.
// Set outputs.
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
// Link the button functions.
// Initialize Timer 1.
// Set PinChange Interrupts.
attachInterrupt(0, CheckState, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, CheckState, CHANGE);
// Initialize display.
oled.begin(&Adafruit128x32, I2C_ADDRESS);
// Set font.
// Set display brightness.
// Clear display.
// Set magnification of the font.
// Get last counter reading from the EEPROM.
counter = EEPROMReadlong(EEPROM_ADDRESS);
// Initial settings on the Display from EEPROM.
WriteOled((counter == -1) ? 0 : counter);
* MainLoop
void loop() {
// Watching the push button.
// Turn ZEROPOINT output pin off after INTERVAL1 if was on.
if (millis() > timeInterval1 + INTERVAL1) {
timeInterval1 = millis();
if (digitalRead(ZEROPOINT))
digitalWrite(ZEROPOINT, LOW);
// Is the edge sequence complete?
if (stepFlag0 && stepFlag1 && stepFlag2 && stepFlag3)
// Reset all edge flags.
stepFlag0 = stepFlag1 = stepFlag2 = stepFlag3 = false;
// Increase the loop-counter.
// Count only after reaching the target 'PULSESPERCOUNT'.
if (loopCounter == PULSESPERCOUNT)
// Reset the loopCounter.
loopCounter = 0;
// Counter up or down, depending on the direction.
(direction == LEFT) ? counter++ : counter--;
// Output on the display.
// '00000" Pulse.
if (counter == 0)
digitalWrite(ZEROPOINT, HIGH);
// As long as the sensors provide data,
// reset timer1 regularly before the timer overflow
// to avoid unnecessary writing to the EEPROM.
TCNT1 = 0;
* This function will be called when the button was pressed 1 time.
void ButtonClick() {
WriteOled(counter = 0);
* This function will be called when the button was
* pressed 2 times in a short timeframe.
void ButtonDoubleClick() {
// Intended for later use!
* This function will be called once, when the button is
* pressed for a long time.
void ButtonLongPressStart() {
// Intended for later use!
* This function will be called once, when the button is
* released after beeing pressed for a long time.
void ButtonLongPressStop() {
// Intended for later use!
* Write OLED Display
void WriteOled(unsigned long val) {
// Buffer for all five digits.
char buffer[5];
// Formatting the output.
sprintf(buffer, "%05ld", val);
// Output on the display.
* Check Sensor State after Interrupt
void CheckState() {
// Interrogate sensors.
sensor1 = digitalRead(SENSOR_A);
sensor2 = digitalRead(SENSOR_B);
// Edge Detector
if (sensor1 == 1 && sensor2 == 1)
if (step == 1) { direction = LEFT; }
if (step == 3) { direction = RIGHT; }
step = 0;
stepFlag0 = true;
if (sensor1 == 0 && sensor2 == 1)
if (step == 2) { direction = LEFT; }
if (step == 0) { direction = RIGHT; }
step = 1;
stepFlag1 = true;
if (sensor1 == 0 && sensor2 == 0)
if (step == 3) { direction = LEFT; }
if (step == 1) { direction = RIGHT; }
step = 2;
stepFlag2 = true;
if (sensor1 == 1 && sensor2 == 0)
if (step == 0) { direction = LEFT; }
if (step == 2) { direction = RIGHT; }
step = 3;
stepFlag3 = true;
* Timer overflow interrupt.
// Increase second counter.
// If LED on, turn LED off.
if (onboardLEDFlag)
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
if (divider == 0)
// Only store in EEPROM if the data differ!
if (EEPROMReadlong(0) != counter)
// Turn LED on, set flag.
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
onboardLEDFlag = HIGH;
// Write counter data to EEPROM.
EEPROMWritelong(EEPROM_ADDRESS, counter);
divider %= 5;
* Initialize Timer1.
void setupTimer1() {
// Clear registers
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = 0;
TCNT1 = 0;
// 1 Hz (16000000/((15624+1)*1024)).
OCR1A = 15624;
// CTC
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
// Prescaler 1024.
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10);
// Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable.
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
* Write a 4 byte (32bit) long to the eeprom
* at the specified address to adress + 3.
void EEPROMWritelong(int address, long value) {
// Decomposition from a long to 4 bytes by using bitshift.
byte four = (value & 0xFF);
byte three = ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
byte two = ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
byte one = ((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
// Write the 4 bytes into the eeprom memory.
EEPROM.write(address, four);
EEPROM.write(address + 1, three);
EEPROM.write(address + 2, two);
EEPROM.write(address + 3, one);
* return a 4 byte (32bit) long from the eeprom
* at the specified address to adress + 3.
* returns: long
long EEPROMReadlong(long address) {
// Read the 4 bytes from the eeprom memory.
long four =;
long three = + 1);
long two = + 2);
long one = + 3);
// Return the recomposed long by using bitshift.
return ((four << 0) & 0xFF) + ((three << 8) & 0xFFFF) + ((two << 16) & 0xFFFFFF) + ((one << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
(29.04.2020, 12:33)Rüsselfant schrieb: [ -> ]Die Hardware ist da
(29.04.2020, 12:33)Rüsselfant schrieb: [ -> ]So,
Die Hardware ist da
(29.04.2020, 13:01)sensor schrieb: [ -> ]wo haste das alles bestellt?
(29.04.2020, 13:04)Rüsselfant schrieb: [ -> ]wird als USB-Serial CH340 (Com3) erkannt und leucht grün
(29.04.2020, 15:42)Rüsselfant schrieb: [ -> ]hier ein Photo von der Abdeckung der GX620.