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Hilfe bei SONY TA313 gesucht
Danke für die Antwort! Tatsache ist, dass ich das ursprüngliche Aussehen im inneren behalten möchte! Haben Sie eine fehlerhafte si 1125hd? Ich will es reparieren. Ich habe zwei Sony ta-313 Verstärker. Einer möchte ich mit einem si 1125hd-Chip wiederherstellen, und der zweite auf LM3886 nach Ihrem Schema.
hier wird einer angeboten
Ich könnte das hier als defekt anbieten....(Geräte im Vordergrund)

[Bild: IMG_5454.jpg]

Ich bin ein Heimkind und äußere mich wegen dieser tüpartigen Diskriminierung nicht.
[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an UriahHeep für diesen Beitrag:
  • SiggiK
Ich habe Sie schon zwei, ich brauche nur keinen Chip! Ich habe bei EBAY dreimal Chips gekauft und alle waren Fälschungen. Jetzt möchte ich aus mehreren fehlerhaften Chips einen fehlerhaften Chip zusammenstellen.
[Bild: IMG20180728150400.jpg]

[Bild: si-1125hd.jpg]

Ich habe bereits zwei Verstärker, ich brauche nur einen fehlerhaften Chip! Ich habe bei EBAY dreimal Chips gekauft und alle waren Fälschungen. Jetzt möchte ich aus mehreren fehlerhaften Chips einen fehlerhaften Chip zusammenstellen. erste Zeichnung Fälschung, zweite Original
#30 соединены вместе. Конденсаторы на 100*35 (+) к 8 выводу LM3886 и (-) к 1. 16 si1125hd. С215 Д201 - перемычка. Не используются выводы в LM3886 - 2.6.11 и в si1125hd - 6.11
[Bild: IMG20180817123536.jpg]

[Bild: IMG20180817124425.jpg]

[Bild: IMG20180817124539.jpg]
#31 miteinander verbunden. Kondensatoren bei 100 * 35 ( + ) bis 8 LM3886 und ( - ) bis 1. 16 si1125hd. S215 D201-Jumper. Keine Anschlüsse in LM3886-2.6.11 und in si1125hd-6.11
[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an sapoq für diesen Beitrag:
  • Ingy_76
(23.04.2017, 16:51)EoA schrieb: Hi,

after a Sony 313L landed on my desk by a mistake, in which a channel was only dangerous humming of itself, I dug up this thread here.

A view of the bay made an interesting offer. A prepared modification as described by Poetry2me. And since all changes for the replacement of the Sanken SI 1225HD by the LM3886 were already on the finished board, I decided to buy.

I'm assuming that Poetry2me makes the whole thing, since all documents are also in the thread here and also referred to the thread.

So pure ind the pleasure:

1. the disassembled 313L 2. The SI 1125 is out. 3. The new kit is already mounted on the heat sink.

[Bild: IMG_7783.jpg]

[Bild: IMG_7786.jpg]

[Bild: IMG_7787.jpg]

4. Assembled and tested - OK!
5th I just wanted to replace the Bleuchtung for tuners, stereo and program search - nothing suitable because - so first provisionally soldered something.
6. Determined that the 313L only receives in mono (the prov. Bulb did not light up ...)
7. Trimmer for the stereo decoder cleaned and made common - stereo reception ok
8. noise detected on the right phono input - disappears Source connected, probably a deaf Elko in the entrance - on later moved.
9. cleaned and provisionally assembled - until the lamps are from Klaus ... Sound and performance of the new power amplifiers are really great !! Can anyone recommend this modification. VG Sascha

[Bild: IMG_7788.jpg]

[Bild: IMG_7789.jpg]

[Bild: IMG_7790.jpg]


I have a similar issue with my SONY 313L receiver, broken Sanken SI 1225HD IC.  I already purchase two LM3886 and since I am beginner in electronics and I dont have clue what pin goes where, so I would be very thankful if you can provide me some schematic or picture of board where LM3886 is placed and wire connections.
I already take out old SI 1225HD and place new two LM3886 on heat sink.
As I can understand I need to add 2 more 47mF capacitors?
Should I take out old capacitors (C661,C662,C611,C612) and bridge them?
thanks and best regards
[Bild: Sony-STR-131-L-schematic-detail-power-amp.png]

Hi Zoran,

this is how I would do it. Don't care too much about the extra caps I recommended in the original TA-313 solution. These were just additional bypass for the positive rail.

As far a I can remember, the two LM3886 need to be of the isolated F type (plastic back) or otherwise need a silicon pad for isolation when mounted. Check in the old posts in this thread.
Pin 9 of the original SI1125HD pinout is in common for both channels, as positive rail.

Hope this helps. Let us know how it worked out.

(10.01.2019, 23:21)Poetry2me schrieb: [Bild: Sony-STR-131-L-schematic-detail-power-amp.png]

Hi Zoran,

this is how I would do it. Don't care too much about the extra caps I recommended in the original TA-313 solution. These were just additional bypass for the positive rail.

As far a I can remember, the two LM3886 need to be of the isolated F type (plastic back) or otherwise need a silicon pad for isolation when mounted. Check in the old posts in this thread.
Pin 9 of the original SI1125HD pinout is in common for both channels, as positive rail.

Hope this helps. Let us know how it worked out.


Dear Johannes,

You really take some time and effort to make complete schematic!
I am very grateful to you, thank you very much, I will let you know how it work out.

Best regards
Hi Johannes,

I did it with your schematic, amplifier works beautifully, but tuner is working only in mono mode and very quietly but this is another issue, I have schematic and gonna search for problem, and by the way improve my electronic skills. Working on vintage electonic seems to be simple.

Thank you very much,

Best regards
Better late than never: CONGRATULATIONS on your successful STK replacement Drinks

Meanwhile we had a similar case in regarding a Sony STR-333L

[Bild: lJNUvwd.jpg]

Quite similar to the STR-313.

- Johannes

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