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Klingonen-Hifi in der Bucht und anderswo
[Bild: 2zs79g6.jpg]

Das Olimp 006 Modell benutzt offenbar das gleiche Grund-Laufwerk hat aber nur 2 Kanäle.
Jedoch auch GX Glas-Köpfe.

Viele Grüße

[-] 2 Mitglieder sagen Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • DUALIS, Antonius
Von dieser Verarbeitung können die Tandberg´s nur träumen - die Norweger haben nur dünne Blechchassis.
Nur die durchhängende große Platine über dem ( Papst-? ) Motor haben die Klingonen wohl auch von Tandberg´s TD-20 A übernommen Dash1
Лепсе (завод)
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wieder so ein irrsinniges Rüstungswerk, das jedoch auch eine Palette von Zivilprodukten
produziert hat und wohl u.A. auch noch Küchengeräte (Wie Truda Moskau!) und Autozulieferteile produziert...
----in jedem Aflle unglaublich was für Läden in der ehem. UDSSR
und wohl auch noch in Jelzins Russland Hifi gebaut hat.
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Die Brüder der Bandmaschinen Smile

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Tzaritza Herr Mamaev der Direktor.

The factory biography began since 30s of XXth century. On the place, where the modern factory is now, in 1931 in Kirov the building of the enterprise began, specialized only on peace production - factories of manuals, developed in 1934 in combine of study-technical school equipment (in Russian “КУТШО”). By 1940 the combine became the largest enterprise for release of manuals not only in the USSR, but also in Europe. The number of the workers employed directly in manufacture, exceeded 5 thousand. Technical and economic indices testified that at combine there was a strong collective of qualified workers and engineers, which was be able to cope with the solution more complicated problems. In October 1940 КУТШО was transferred to a people’s committee aviation manufacture to organize on it industry to aviation equipment. In December 1940 the Charter of a modular factory was authorized as state enterprise. S.L. Manevich, the former chief of shop of the Moscow electromotor Lepse factory, was appointed its director in Kirov. To adjust the work of the new enterprise skilled experts were directed to Kirov. In turn Kirov people left to Moscow for training to new specialties. Anybody from them did not know yet, that soon war will unit them in one collective on the Kirov ground.

On 22 of June, 1941 peace life of Soviet people was interrupted by perfidious attack of Fascist Germany. Since the first days of war all national economy of the country was reconstructed under the decision of the State Committee of Defense on release of military production. It was carried out mass evacuation of the enterprises in east regions of the country. In territory of the Kirov modular factory two Moscow factories came: Lepse factory and Derjynskiy factory. On 5 of November, 1941г. association of three enterprises was made in one, which kept the name of I.I.Lepse, the outstanding trade-union figure of the country. The factory manager appointed I.A.Dikarev. The main problem of the enterprise during war years was a batch production of electric equipments for diving bomber PE-2, and also release of magneto BSM-14, without which creation of the new aviation motor was impossible. Also the factory has mastered manufacturing of cases for hand granate. Workers of Lepse factory worked self-denyingly, carrying out orders for front. Two third of stuff members worked more over fixed time. 248 comsomol-youthandGuards brigades showed examples of labour heroism. From 28 war months of 47ones the factory took class places in the branch competition, ten times running the Red banner of the State Committee of Defense was awarded to the factory. In September, 1945 according to the Decree of Presidium of a Supreme Soviet of the USSR the Lepse factory was awarded with Lenin’s order. 6010 workers received a medal "For valorous work in Great Patriotic war 1941-1945гг." Lepse workers become famous for the feats of arms. Among veterans of war there were participants of great fights near Moscow, for Сталинград, on the Kursk arch, of Leningrad defenses, of the Berlin company. Five workers are awarded with a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union: V.I.Altsybeev, A.M.Anishchenko, N.A.Zemtsov, I.I.Krutikov, A.I.Melnikova. In shops where they worked, memorial boards are established. In Kirov city there are V.I.Altsybeeva street and A.I.Mel'nikova street. On fronts of Great Patriotic War 124 Lepse workers were lost. In 1972 in territory of a factory the monument to the soldiers falling in fights for the native Land was open. War was finished. The collective of a factory began to release the peace production. In 1945 the enterprise started release of an alternating current engines with the power of 1,1 kw, dynamo, electric motors for textile industry and other products.

[Bild: mifbbq.jpg]

After war the civil aircraft of the country began to replenish with new planes which were completed by electric equipment of Lepse factory. Then the factory supplied jet aeronautical engineering, and later supersonic airplanes.

Post-war years are characterized by sharp increase of a technical knowledge level. What people have not received in military years, they tried to repair in a peace time. In 1957 under the initiative of the factory a branch ВЗЭИ was created in Kirov, which is transformed then into polytechnical institute. A base educational institution of a factory became also the aviation technical school created at the end of war. Wide work on preparation of experts is connected to N.M.Kljukina's name, the factory director from 1945 to 1955, who worked later in Moscow and was awarded with the State prize. The factory collective was constantly aimed at perfection of manufacture, introduction of new engineering and technologies. For example, in 1959 at Lepse factory the department of automation and mechanization was created for the first time in branch. Among technical events of 50s, 60s, 70s there are reconstruction of foundry shop, creation of a complex on impregnation and drying of windings. The big works were carried out on restoration of tool. The considerable contribution to a common cause was made by rationalizers and inventors. Rationalization brigades were created, evenings of innovators of manufacture were arranged.

The big attention is given also to the solution of social life’s questions. There is growing of housing. Barracks disappeared gradually, and on their place there are comfortable houses. Construction of some houses and some social objects is conducted by a method of national building. At the end of 1960s all streets of microdistrict are asphalted, central heating of houses is completely completed. Demand for children's establishments is satisfied, the medical complex, dispensary, a new dining-room were built. The years were passing. Before collective there stood more and more complicated problems. So, in 1960s on lines of Aeroflot the second generation of high-speed comfortable passenger planes has appeared: Il - 62, Tu - 154, Tu - 134 and Yak-40. Only for a complete set of one plane Tu - 154 the factory delivered 28 various types of products. The supersonic passenger liner Tu – 144, made first flight at the end of 1969, has opened mainly new stage in a history of air transport. For this plane the Lepse factory produced electric actuators, starting control unit and others products.

During all post-war years alongside with aviation engineering the enterprice manufactured products for a national economy and home appliances. Within twenty years several types of induction motors of АОLB series were produced for washing machines of the first generation. Electric motors RD-09 and CD-54 were issued by large series for metallurgical and chemica enterprises. Hundred thousand pieces of calculators " Bystritsa " were produced in 1960s and 1970s. At the end of 1960s electric machine building works Lepse needed for new production space. For expansion of manufacture the branch of the work was founded in Kirovo-Chepetsk at the beginning of 1970, which was renamed in 1972 by the order of the ministry into Kirovo-Chepetsk electric machine building works. Kirov Electric Machine Building production association “Lepse” is formed in 1976 on the basis of two factories. Development of a factory, and then of enterprice is inextricably related with a name of A.S.Bolshev, heading the enterprise from 1955 to 1984. The hero of Socialist Work, the gentleman of many awards, the deserved machine engineer of RSFSR, the honourable citizen of Kirov - these ranks and awards testify to A.S.Bol'shev'smerits. In 1976 Lepse enterprice was awarded with order “Labour Red Banner” for realization of “the ninth five-year” task and for high parameters achieved inI encrease of the production efficiency and improvement of production quality. In this year also turner L.V.Beresneva was awarded with rank of the Socialist Work Hero. 226 workers of the enterprises were handed awards and medals. Factory Rewarding with award of the Labour Red Banner became a major event in a history of the enterprise. During three decades, past after the Great Victory, the Lepse collective has reached the big heights in all directions. So, in 1980s of XX century Lepse КЭМПО became the largest, unique enterprise of the country for manufacture of actuators, electric generators, starting systems of aero-engines, automatic control systems and management, dc/ac electric motors, voltage regulators, electric machine and static converter, control panels, different switching equipment for aircrafts. It was an enterprise with high technology, strong staff and powerful infrastructure.

Last decade of century became for the enterprise time of drama tests and in a way check on durability. In 1991 Lepse КЭМПО meets the semi-centenial anniversary. After this the reforms have began in the country, loosening the Russian economy, and overflowing with trouble whole branches. In difficult position there was also an aircraft branch in connection with the conversion, financing reduction of the program of development of civil aircraft and housing construction, destruction of vertical structures of management and absence of horizontal economic relations. The management of association, led by E.N.Shabalin, who headed entrprise from 1984 to 1992, puts tasks: to develop active preparation of manufactures of competitive consumer goods, civil production and thus to increase deliveries volumes of aircraft equipment.

During all post-war history production of customer goods was the integral part of the enterprise activity. The experience of manufacture of such production helped us very much in critical times of 1990s. The end of 1980s was marked by increase of production of electric meat mincers and pumps "Vodoley". Tere was also an activity on the further improvement of the parameters of the tape recorder "Olymp". At this time also machine-tool construction was started to develop. For increase of economic efficiency of manufacture new forms of work and management organizations were entered. Contract methods of work take root. Housing construction was continued, the dispensary in Mitino village was handed over in operation, objects on village were under construction. There was successes, but it came hurdly. And situation became all more difficultly because of the events presented in the country. Break of economic connections inside Russia with the CIS countries aggravated situation, a number of consumers refused production even under the contracts made beforehand. In such conditions a preservation basis of workplaces there was an increase manufacture of consumer goods. Accelerated development of new kinds of consumer goods. At this time at the control of the enterprise was E.L.Homenok. He was elected by labour collective and headed the factory from 1992 to 1997. Everything was made to keep the factory.

New types of civil production and customer goods were being mastered. Their share in total productions volume has made 79 per cent. The problem of improvement of production quality was successfully solved.

Enormous work on reception of conversion credits was done, to maintenance of manufacture with materials, on payment of wages. The basic industrial funds. were updated.

The management structure was improved. A lot of attention was been given to the marketing service, dealer networks, and break on the foreign market. The reorganization of workshops and their integration have been carried out. Much has been made for energy saving and metal economy..

Social problems were solved, when there were difficulties with money, there have entered intraworks "currency", on which it was possible to have dinner in a dining room or to get products.

In the country privatization processes continued. In 1992 the enterprise became Joint Stock Company.

Situations in an aircraft industry did not change to the better side. In 1996. Russia has made only one civil plane. Manufacture of customer goods helped to survive to our factory. There was mastered and increased output of the electric tool. The manufacture of the car window lift motor EPS-1 was mastered in 1994 and the deliveries for the production line of Volzhsky automobile works have began. Sale markets were extended.

In 1997 G.A.Mamaev was elected as the general director of Joint Stock Company " Lepse ". Together with a new stuff he has presented the program of organizational and structural reorganization of the enterprise, a hard work on a gain of market niches. For one year of a new stuff work volumes of manufacture grew and a payment of wages became regular. The factory starts to live due to own means.

In 1990s the factory managed to get in the list of the converted enterprises what has allowed to receive some credits. Due to this additional capacities for output of civil production were created and the equipment was in part updated.

Strategic goal of the stuff was to expand a home market and to fixed in foreign market. Since 1997 the export deliveries have made more than 1 million dollars, in 1998 - efforts are directed on their increase. The success at the international exhibitions and fairs testified about growing popularity of Lepse production.

Increase of the production volume of different purpose is provided an improvement of the subdivision structure, the application of new production methods, engineering developments, among which are the new production methods, engineering developments, among which new types of the car window lift motors for perspective models "Zhiguli", fan heater, new kitchen machine "Gamma-7-01 ", domestic electric pump “Vodoley-3", electrochemical machine.

Only for last two years it is mastered 29 new products have been mastered. The rates of growth of production volumes were 120 per cent in 1999 and in 2000 they have already made 136 per cent.

From year to year more and more difficult problems are being posed before the staff. In 2001 the enterprise’s system of quality was certificated according to the international standard ISО-9001.

LEPSE JSC participates in activities connected with the transfer of several aviation product to li-cense production in foreign countries. Such contracts were signed with China and Iran, materials for the conclusion of contracts with India, Turkey, Egypt prepare.

Now the staff of the enterprise passed from survival to active development. It was decided to set up a mass production shop for car window lift motors on the basis of previously removed from operation equipment and working area. Without fail and with constant increase of the production volumes LEPSE JSC supplies the product of the automobile subject for the production line of Volzhky automobile works. For the last years the modernization of the department of the automatic control systems has been carried out due to it’s equipping with the computing machinery.

The increase of the production volume has determined the lob expansion. The vocational training requirements are still strengthening. The program of activity with the young specialists has been adopted. The staff of the enterprise is annually replenished with the graduates of technical schools and high schools. The Technical Lyceum is the main supplier of the enterprise’s staff. The graduates of the Lyceum can complete their education at the technical university.

At the factory works the automatic control system "Staff". All enterprise workers are put on the account in the state pension fund. Insurance pension certificates are given to them and also policies of obligatory medical insurances. Building of houses proceeds. Factory building department annually enters 10 thousand m2 of habitation. There are more than 100 apartments per one year for workers of a factory workers. Builders of Lepse have erected a fine ophthalmologic clinic, regional centre of rehabilitations for invalids. At active participation of builders the big reconstruction of the factory is conducted. It is updated Shape of the enterprise and its microdistrict. Factory building department continues building in villages .At the enterprise the big attention always was paid to social problems. It is lawful to tell about repeated growth of wages. It is shown the big care of veterans, children, mothers - singles, extends and the sphere of services is constantly improved .For factory workers it was organized a network of shops with a credit department and an advance orders section. After a long break in the Palace of culture "Native land" festivals amateur art creativity of Lepse workers are carried out again. Winter and summer Games of 15th kinds of sports are organized. Public organizations make active work: committee of young experts, masters committee, heads committee. Economic competition is organized. More than five thousand veterans are united in factory committee of veterans of war and work. The trade-union organization of a factory works in harmonious partnership with administration. The stuff of the enterprise keeps the kind traditions. And though times were replaced, the factory still remains the native house which want to equip, make life in it more safely and transfer it in a heritage to the following generations of Lepse worker.

[Bild: 2h4xbo1.png]

Raucher genial, Leute tut Euch einen Gefallen, kauft Eurer Frau zur nächsten Gelegenheit eine
orig LEPSE Küchenmaschine GAMMA 7-2 130BT aus Kirov und sagt ihr, dass dieses klingonische Spitzenprodukt
Träger des Leninordens und Bruder des SU30 Interceptors ist, das macht Sinn, vor allem
dann, wenn Eure weibliche Regierung mal wieder über eine geplante oder getätigte
Neuanschaffung einer klingonischen LEPSE Olimp Bandmaschine meckert.
Dann ist Ruhe.

Merke: Oldie
LEPSE ist für alle da.


Viele Grüße

[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Antonius
York gewöhn dir doch mal bitte an die Bilder zu skalieren ,das hilft ungemein (Ladezeiten)
Ich spare Strom ,ich fahre Verbrenner
[Bild: uycuw.jpg]
Korvet 3 -f 248s
Drinks cool!
[Bild: 35340zk.jpg]
Karavella 203 Stereo

Sows habe ich doch aus Japan auch schonmal gesehen??!?
Von Akai? Hitachi??

Viele Grüße


[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Antonius
Thumbsup sehenswerte Seite über sowjetische/russische hochmoderne U-Boote.

Tolle Bilder.
Mich wundert es, dass sowas offen im Web kursiert, vor einigen Jahren wäre man für solche Bilder gekillt worden.

[Bild: 35c30io.jpg]
[Bild: dmcit3.jpg]
Völlig neu ist mir die vom Meerwasser als hydraulisches Medium betriebene hydraulische
Drehmomentwandlung von der Maschinenanlage hin zur Schraubenwelle, das ist das gleiche Prinzip wie bei den alten TH400
Amischlitten Automatikboxen, bloß eben hier mit Meerwasser als Wandlermedium statt
des ATF-Öls und der Größe XXXL der Wandlerturbinenbläter.

[Bild: 5xjqso.jpg]
Zusammengebaut schauts so aus Smile

[Bild: 2vbn9m9.jpg]
Bei alten Amischlitten siehts auch so aus, gleiches System...bloß ein Bissl handlicher Smile

Viele Grüße

[-] 3 Mitglieder sagen Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Tom, oldsansui, Antonius
Hallo, heute sehr wenig Zeit,
ich habe Post von einem sehr netten US Hifisammler bekommen der sich hier den Thread von A-Z angesehen hat,
mich hat es sehr gefreut, man interessiert sich bis in die USA für die schönen Russengeräte Dance3 Sie haben es auch verdient.


This is incredible. I have never imagined any hi-fi gear coming out of old-world Russia, but upon thinking about how it would look I have to say that I imagined it to look exactly like this equipment. Can you believe the mentallity the Russians had or the opressive nature they were under to construct such equipment? It bogels the mind. I cannot believe that "free" engineers would have come up with this kind of stuff. Completely overbuilt and pure Sci-fi. Products mimic the times. In the 70's we had a great economy and it showed in the pride that Americans and Japanese had in designing and building the "silver era". The 80's saw a decline in pride as transistors came into use and everything was "digital ready", or "digitally designed". The 90's, with the stale world economy taking a nose dive, and corporation greed escalating gave us Black Plastic Crap (BPC). But this is just incredible stuff from an incredible time in history. Russian engineers *HAD* to build things that mimic'd their surroundings. What can you see in those designs? Truely historic pieces you are sharing with us.


---Zitat ende---

Thanks Jimmy ! Thumbsup

Viele Grüße

[quote='Yorck' pid='270045' dateline='1332840713']
, man interessiert sich bis in die USA für die schönen Russengeräte

es war nur eine frage der zeit! (CIA oder NSA?)Dash1

Aber der kollege vonBraun hat auch in usa kariere gemacht,
und bei deinem fachwissen kann die us hifi-industrie nur gewinnenLipsrsealed2

sorry, ich freue mich natürlich wenn andere sich für unser hobby interessieren.
auch wenn es amerikaner sind.Dance3

gruß helge

[Bild: radio072yudf.gif]

Gruß Helge

[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an putzteufelms für diesen Beitrag:
  • Yorck

KGB/FSB = KSS (Klingon Secret Service):
добро пожаловать!

herzlich willkommen!



Viele Grüße

[-] 2 Mitglieder sagen Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Antonius, putzteufelms
At Yorck: Ich habe es geschafft - endlich.
Die Klingonen - Schrifttafel ist unterwegs Floet
[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an für diesen Beitrag:
  • Yorck
[Bild: avleh2.jpg]
Dance3 Raucher

Mal wieder ein Highlight aus den Annalen des 70s
Sowjetlogo Designs, hahah das ist ja köstlich.
Dieser Vogel hypnotisiert ja geradezu!

UKU Werke, Teil von VEF/Radiotehnika, das sind die, welche die schönen Verstärker Schaltungen
und Phonoentzerrer nach dem 3U/UUU System für VEF/RRR entwickelt & gebaut haben.
(Besser bekannt als Uku-Uku-Uku)

Uku wird wohl UHU heißen, hat aber bei den Klingonen mit Klebstoff nix am Hut.

Das UKU Logo als Stempel oder auf dem Shirt oder gar auf Energy Drink Dosen wäre ein Hit, der reine Irrsinn -- will haben Smile

Viele Grüße

[-] 2 Mitglieder sagen Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Antonius, Harry Hirsch
[Bild: 347egky.jpg]
Smile Schöne alte Anzeige von RRR aus einer Klingonenpublikation von 1987, die Wanddeko
an der linken Außenfassade von RRR ist der Hit Dance3

Noch was Nettes gestern Abend gefunden:
Dieser Power Amp hat nahezu Weltrekord Daten, das dürfte sogar SPOC gefallen!
Sind die Ampzillas wirklich noch so viel besser als der Radiotehnika YM7011
[Bild: 16a4gsm.png]
das hier sieht schwer nach echtem High End aus von den Daten Smile

[Bild: 18khz5.jpg]

Wenig Zeit, werde aber Daten und Bilder versuchen zu finden, interessiert mich sehr,
es soll sich um den besten Verstärker seiner Zeit in dieser "Consumer-Leistungsklasse" handeln....,
sagen Osthifi-Experten die das wundersame Gerät schon in den Händen hatten.
Soll echt Class A sein...

[Bild: 2i235l.jpg]

[Bild: i2ozk8.jpg]
Gabs als extrem teures Set (3000 Rubel EVP) mit S90B...keine Ahnung wer das als Ehrung bekommen hat,
Vassilly Norlmalsky bei Radiotowarisch bestimmt nicht Smile

Die Vorgänger RRR Radiotehnika yn001
[Bild: 34rab7s.jpg]
[Bild: 72po60.jpg]
[Bild: vh4w7q.jpg]
(Original sind DIN Buchsen, die glitzer-Chinachinchteile sind hier (leider) nutzloses Bastelwerk..)

und der Power Amp
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[Bild: 2uhqv6u.jpg]
[Bild: w7eayp.jpg]
ym001 (Doppelmono mit zwei fetten Iskra Schnittbandkerntrafos)
sehen unter konventionellen Push Pull A/B Gesichtspunkten schon mal saugut aus...
so muß Klingonen-High End von universellem Ruf aussehen.
Da geht einem ja das Herz auf Wink3
[Bild: 33nbvw0.jpg]
Die Klingonen-Endstufe erinnert etwas an die exzellenten von Mitsubishi für Tensai gebauten Doppelmonostufen
TM2550 und TM 2570 der mittleren 80s.
[Bild: 6s4zd4.jpg]
[Bild: 34gaae1.jpg]
[Bild: 1kqjc.jpg]
Tensai TM2570
Die Tensais sind ferner völlig unterschätzt und in der Tat japan. Spitzengeräte ohne jeden Markenruf (wer traut Tensai schon sowas zu??)
, darum günstig in der Bucht zu finden.

P.S. Lippi das Sputnik Heft ist angekommen ---himmlitsch-- vielen Dank das wird mir den Abend versüßen,
werde beim Schmökern einen schönen Georgischen oder Moldavischen (Ex CCCP Weingüter Wink3 ) Rotwein genießen.
Der (aus aktuellem Anbau so um 2004 und 2006) ist übrigens sehr empfehlenswert, steht einem Bordeaux oder Burgunder in nix nach.

Viele Grüße

[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Antonius
[Bild: 359aekx.jpg]
Radiotehnik während der Klingonen Epoche.
Wenns nach mir ginge hätte alles so bleiben können da.

[Bild: 2powmj7.png]
Radiotehnika Gebäude vor 8 Jahren, leider allen Klingonenschmucks und jeglicher "leninscher Ehre" Wink3 beraubt.

[Bild: ne84t5.jpg]
Der Richtungsweiser zum Weltmarktührer für das beste Klingonenhifi des Universums steht noch Smile

[Bild: 11hs3gw.jpg]
2010 die schöne, aber nur selten gehende Elektronika Digitaluhr ist links oben vom Dach geklaut worden.... GRRRR
Selbst den neuzeitlichen kapitalistischen Wink3 Schornsteinfegern ist nicht zu trauen.

[Bild: 16c6yao.jpg]
Jetzt wird da leider aller Historie zum trotze ein Primitivdiscounter a la Penny oder Aldi einziehen... Sad
Wenn Lenin das Wink3 wüsste, der würde aus seinem Museumsmausuleum ausbrechen, im Schlafanzug zur Lubianka rasen,
sich ne AK47 schnappen und ab nach Riga Lipsrsealed2 Dance3Jester

Viele Grüße


[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an Yorck für diesen Beitrag:
  • Antonius
(19.03.2012, 19:59)Yorck schrieb: Ahh in der Bucht gibts die echten exzellenten Radiotehnika S90B Sowjet-Spitzenboxen Thumbsup


Viele Grüße

Guten Abend yorck und alle anderen!
Habe heute die Boxen abgeholt,danke yorck für den Tipp!
Sind "leider nur" die S50B,aber besser als nichts.Wurden aber etwas vergewaltigt,mit weisser Folie beklebtFlenne.
Fotos folgen später!
Gruss Steffen
keine Sorge die S50B sind die Pendants zu den exzellenten DUAL CL180 Boxen, während die S90B den CL190 entsprechen.
(bloß 3 statt 4 Wege aber vom Maß und Klangvolumen kommt der Vergleich gut hin)
Die S50B kannste auch mit den Braun Boxen dieser Größenklasse jedem Falle sehr solide und ingenieus
aufgebaute Ware....guck Dir mal die Weiche an, da staunste!! Smile
Du wirst mögen was da herauskommt....(wenn die Hochtöner nicht hinüber sind Wink3 )
denke dran die Elkos in der Schutzschaltung oben hinter den Leuchtdioden der Überlastanzeige zu tauschen...das sind recht empfindliche axial CCCP Elkos die meist nach den 20-30 Jahren hinüber sind und die Ton-Ausgewogenheit der Treiber beinträchtigen weil die Schutzschaltung schleichend KURZ geschlossen wird...also raus damit und gegen 65V Typen tauschen,gibts bei Conrad für kleine Münze an der Theke. Meist sind nämlich nicht die Kalotten hinüber sondern die Schutzschaltung kurzgeschlossen...
Die versilberten Drahtpoti-Klangregler hinten am Anschlußterminal ebenfalls von innen mit reichlich Ballistol behandeln...nimm mal die Basstreiber raus dann kommste von innen gut dran....
Vorher die Frontplatte vorsichtig abschrauben, dann kommste an die Verschraubung der Chassis.

Super Boxen, ganz egal ob S50B oder S90B...Thumbsup Glückwunsch.
In jedem Falle bitte gut aufbereiten und falls es mit Ersatzteilen Probleme gibt melden, ich kann versuchen zu helfen.
Jede dieser feinen Sowjetboxen verdient Rettung.

Hier der Schaltplan der S50b:

Viele Grüße

Yorckie, deine Fürsorge kennt keine Grenzen Thumbsup
Ja sischa dat, entweder biste Fan oder nich...halbes Zeug ist nicht mein Ding Dance3

P.S. Marantz Fans gibts ja genug (de Fakto wie Sand am Meer),
100% ige Klingonenhififans in Deutschland?!?!

Viele Grüße

jetzt bist du gleich wieder einen Zentimeter gewachsen...
Flenne Das Sowjet-Hifizeug ist wie Doping...
Sehr sehenswert: Thumbsup

Warum kleben die Klingonen CRISAN Anti Fett Kur Schampoo Etiketten auf ihre Radios und Kassettenrekorder!?? Sad2
versprechen sie sich eine Selbstreinigung des Geraffels davon!??


[Bild: 5y7vkp.jpg]
Reinigt mild, wirkt intensiv Smile

[Bild: e5qjk7.jpg]
Hier wohl aber eher weniger!??

[Bild: 35bb76u.jpg]

Vor allem, warum bappen die das mitten auf den Lautsprecher!?!? Denker
Hmm ist uns diese vergleichsweise hemdsärmelige Form des Tonverbesserungsvodoos entgangen während wir von Klangschalen
[Bild: 348odwl.jpg]
und Hifi Reiki träumten?!?

Warum wählten die Klingonen nicht dieserlei sowjetisch korrekte Bierwerbeanzeige als Motiv für Ihren Kassettenrecorder!??
Warum tranken in der UdSSR die Langusten Bier?!? Kaffee
Fragen über Fragen...
[Bild: 1zf2ao.jpg]

LOL Yorckie, in deinem letzten Post tauchte nicht einmal das Wort spitze oder excellent auf...Floet
biste krank oder was ? Denker
Das du bezüglich Klingonenzeuchs zu Kritik fähig bist, erstaunt mich doch etwas Floet
[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an für diesen Beitrag:
  • Yorck
Naja die wahrlich exzellente Lösung für Klangprobleme nach
Sowjetisch ingenieuser Art sieht so aus:

[Bild: woeqd.jpg]

[Bild: 1231g6q.jpg]
Hier die Version "AKTIVIST FORTISSIMO " gegen hartnäckige Resonanzen und
Dissonanzen aller Art, wirkt immer und klebt nicht.

In Hörpausen auch als bouquetverbessernder Trinkbecher fürs (Weih-?) Wässerchen zu missbrauchen Wink3 Smile

Viele Grüße

Wieso vertreibst du die nicht bei uns ? Wenn der Vodka überschwappt, ist der Pegel im Baß zu heftig Dance3
[-] 1 Mitglied sagt Danke an für diesen Beitrag:
  • Yorck
LOL sollte ich tun.Thumbsup

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