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Normale Version: Der Sansui Thread
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Na sicher Rainer!

It is slow,.....so slow Lol1
Come on, I'm waiting with bed-time storie Kaffee
Rainer,are you watching TV? Denker
(05.05.2011, 21:53)oldsansui schrieb: [ -> ]Habe heute erste Fotos von meinem 9090 gemacht

Den hättest Du aber wenigstens noch ein bißchen entstauben können....UndWeg

(05.05.2011, 21:02)charlymu schrieb: [ -> ]The sansui vintage night is a great idea und i love to come, but sadly.. the money, the time, but maybe we join us in sommer on the croatian beach. Drinks

I have some connections in the Hertz rental car in Munich and can arrange a discount for you and friends... Floet really
Hey Jan, ist das Dein erster Sansui Respekt

At pepa
Sorry, I was watching the xxx-channel Floet

[Bild: sansui909002.jpg]

[Bild: sansui909005.jpg]

[Bild: sansui909004.jpg]

Den 9090 habe seit 2 Jahren hier liegen, jetzt ist er fertig. Ein Top of the Line Power Receiver von 1975 - Natürlich im Echtholzcase.
Jetzt habe ich Rücken Zahnlos
Tolle Bilder!

Ja, mein erster Sansui. LOL Irgendwann ist immer das erste mal. . . Floet

ein herrlicher Receiver und erstklassische Bilder Thumbsup

Danke Rainer Drinks
Danke Freunde,

At Jan
ein 9090 ist aber ein Paukenschlag-Einstieg in die Sansui Vintage Welt Thumbsup
Another episode for bed time...

Last winter I was browsing the Swedish Classifieds,and I found beautiful AU-alpha 717dr.
Amp was expensive, but I knew that was purchased a year ago as NOS (I hope you heard that story)!! We had already agreed on the price but he demanded 300 Euros for transport to Munich!!! I went crazy Dash1
I continued to browse classifieds, and I saw three names for which I propose are from the Croatia. Denker
I sent the same e-mail to all three addresses asking for help for shipping beloved Sansui from Sweden.
Two of them did not respond at all, and the third said: Hello Robert,I’m an old Sansui fan Oldie ,how can I help you? He attached a picture of his room with a bunch of Sansui... Tease I fell from my chair,again
There were wonderful things such are:BA/CA-2000,BA/CA3000,AU-X1,..... but I saw something else.A beautiful Samsung

No....this is Sansui story.........AU-X1111MosVintage Dance3 Dance3

It happened in February and I had to wait until August (when he went on vacation with his family). These were very long months of my life.. but now I have The King.
And it's not one for the Japanese market, but one of the few for the European market
Enjoy Music2

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[Bild: 2-11.jpg]

[Bild: 2-2.jpg]

I do not know can you infer from the pictures, but this amp is really huge.
Other Sansui amps look like toys in comparison

to be continued....
Nice dog....Floet

Rainer, ja, aber ich mag die großen Geräte doch generell lieber als die kleinen. Raucher

Jedenfalls freu ich mich schon riesig auf das Teil!

Gute Nacht!

Rainer und Jan,
es ist ein DB Oldie nicht zu vergessen .....Floet
Ja, mein ich doch! Floet
(05.05.2011, 22:34)oldsansui schrieb: [ -> ]At pepa
Sorry, I was watching the xxx-channel Floet

I knew it was something naughty LOL

(05.05.2011, 22:34)oldsansui schrieb: [ -> ][Bild: sansui909004.jpg]

I have to apologize for last night....I truly didn't want to interrupt (to jump in the midle of your posts) your story .....I've already written this part of the story about the acquisition of mosvintage and was very tired and ready for bed....sorry Pray

Anyway,9090 is beautiful (although I like black 990 little more )...and don't know why I haven't bought one Denker

(05.05.2011, 22:49)errorlogin schrieb: [ -> ]Nice dog....Floet

So much effort and passion and that's all you have to say ? Lol1
Several months ago I was killing boredom and scanned the rankings from the old hifi magazine
I hope you'll find something interesting Kaffee

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[Bild: Stereo119912.jpg]
At pepa (Robert?) Thumbsup

thansks so much fof the information.....
What, not a single comment on the Mos Vintage? That's a rare beast and a damn nice one, too. Congrats, pepa!Thumbsup
Rainer der 9090 macht mich schwach! Flenne Schieb den mal rüber! LOL

Hallo Rainer , der 9090 ist der Knaller ,,, Hammer Bilder

Ich habe meinen damals verkauft da ich das Brummen im Lautsprecher nicht in den Griff bekommen habe , heute ägere ich michDash1 , so isses halt Raucher

(06.05.2011, 17:06)New-Wave schrieb: [ -> ]At pepa (Robert?) Thumbsup
thansks so much fof the information.....

keep reading Wink32

(06.05.2011, 19:05)bulletlavolta schrieb: [ -> ]What, not a single comment on the Mos Vintage? That's a rare beast and a damn nice one, too. Congrats, pepa!Thumbsup

weird, really weird ... as such an amplifier can be found every day...
They might not know what kind of amplifiers this is...or or 19 years old amp is not vintage...or...who knows Denker

...then I will have to present the entire Vintage Series Raucher

This is only for hard core Sansui fans (does not include hard-core viewers ) Lol1

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Thank you! Thumbsup


Oh thanks pepa for the full flat Sansui info Thumbsup

Demnächst in diesem Kino, den schönsten meiner 4 bis 7 Receiver, genau den Sansui 990. Will am WE nur noch das Case aufarbeiten.
Ein paar alte Fotos vom 990 zur Einstandszeit gibt es in meinem Fotostream ...
Hier ein 74er Bestseller, geschmeidiges Teil Thumbsup
gerade vom Down-Pimping und Marlboro-Graffitis befreit

[Bild: 771lampff.jpg][Bild: 771hifi2ff.jpg]

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Man Rainer Du hörst aber ganz schön laut.. Floet

